#wagatha christie au
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Wolfstar Microfics - Fix it fic
Words: 803
“It’s not you, is it?” The words stopped Remus in his tracks. He turned to face Sirius, who had appeared in the doorway of his room. “It’s Pete.” He whispered.
Remus blinked at him, “It’s Pete?”
“I gave everyone different information about where James and Lily would be last night. I told you they’d be at Hogwarts, I told Marlene they’d be staying in Hogsmeade, I told Pete they’d be at home.” He paused, “He went there last night. Voldemort. Blew the place up.”
“No.” Remus shook his head. “Are they—”
“They’re fine. They were at The Burrow with Molly and Arthur.” Sirius looked at his friend. “Why did you let us think it was you?” Remus shook his head. “Why did you let me think it was you?”
“I thought it might be you if that’s any consolation.” Remus sounded pained. “I didn’t want to believe it, though. And, I suppose, with what Dumbledore’s had me doing, I thought you all might as well think me the traitor. It would be less painful for you all when I inevitably didn't come back.”
“Please tell me.” Sirius’ fingers gripped the edge of the doorframe. “Fuck what Dumbledore says. Tell me, Remus.”
Remus sighed, “I’ve been trying to convert werewolves to our side. Greyback and his pack, mostly.” He shrugged, “Fairly unsuccessfully.”
“You’ve been with Greyback?” Sirius’ knuckles were white. “Why would he ask you to do that? That’s fucking awful.”
“He couldn’t exactly send anyone else, could he?”
“But still!” Sirius looked devastated and Remus wanted to wrap his arms around him and never let go, but he took a step back and leant against the wall opposite Sirius’ door.
“Do James and Lily know? Dumbledore?”
“Yeah, Aurors picked up Pete and a few others this morning.” A tear escaped from the corner of Sirius’ eye. “I’m so sorry, Moons. I’m so sorry.”
“I would never,” Remus said quietly. “I owe the world to you, James, and Lily. I would never put any of you, or Harry, at risk on purpose.”
“I know.” Sirius bit the edge of his lip to stop it from trembling. “I don’t know how we got here. This fucking war is destroying everything and I’m destroying everything.”
“Sirius,” Remus looked so tired, “I’ve forgiven you for worse.” He tried to smile, “We’ll get through this.”
“Will we?” Sirius took a shaky breath. “All this time Pete has been feeding us lies about you, and we just believed them. ‘Isn’t it strange that Moony never tells us about his missions?’, ‘Remus missed another meeting? Weird.’ And…” He shook his head, “He said that he saw you kissing Barty Crouch from school.”
“I see.” Remus said slowly, “Well, for what it’s worth, I have never kissed Crouch.”
“Good, he’s a fucking state.” Sirius half laughed, half sobbed. “He made it sound so believable, Moons.”
“I’m sure he did.” Remus said, “I wish you’d all had more faith in me, but I understand what it must have looked like.”
“Can you not be so fucking understanding just this once?” Sirius shouted, “We thought you were a traitor, that you’d give up James and Lily. How can you be so calm about this?”
Remus pressed his lips together, “I’m so tired, Pads. I don’t have it in me to fight anymore. Pete was making comments to me about you, too. I started to believe them. So, I get it. He was our friend, why wouldn’t we believe him?”
“But you’re our friend. Why wouldn’t we trust you?” Sirius rubbed his eyes, “I don’t know how to make this right.”
“Pads,” Remus said softly, taking a step towards him. “Please, listen to me. I’m upset about it, but that doesn’t change the fact that I love you. Uh, all of you. All of you.” Sirius’ eyes flicked up to meet Remus’, who instantly looked away.
“Love you too, Moons. Oh!” Sirius pulled a chocolate frog out of his pocket, “It might be a bit melted now, but…”
“Thank you.” Remus took the frog and held it against his chest.
“For the endolphins.”
“Endorphins.” Remus corrected.
“Yeah, same thing.”
“It’s not the—” Remus smiled cautiously. “I would be so lost without you. It’s important to me that you know that, alright?”
“Can I sleep in your bed tonight?” He asked quietly. They’d shared a bed fairly often at school, staying up late and talking. Even since living together, there were nights when Sirius would crawl into Remus’ bed after a bad dream. “It’s fine if you want to be alone, obviously.”
“Of course you can.” Remus looked towards his room, “I really don’t want to be alone.”
“I missed you so much, Moony.” Remus could tell that he didn’t just mean from the week he’d been away with Greyback’s pack.
“I missed you too.”
#fanfic#ao3#wolfstar#fanfiction#remus lupin#sirius black#wolfstar microfic#remus x sirius#marauders#remus loves sirius#sirius loves remus#first wizarding war#peter pettigrew#little rat#sirius x remus#angst with a hopeful ending#wagatha christie au
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She nestles in.
Benjamin Rathbone has one photo - a group photo - for his tinder profile. Eleanor points past Ben, real Ben, at Rifat. “So there's this guy who's been fucking with my boyfriend Jon all week. Anyway, we just found out his name is not Ben. But so how has he been texting me on Ben's profile all week? I send him a message from my fake account, he checks his phone. I watch him do it. He types back. And look,” She zooms in on the image. “That's the fucking Quantico building. I think he's actually who he says he is. I think this Ben guy is, like, 21 jumpstreeting our campus or something.” Girly squeal. Then normal, smoothing back her bang. “How do we say that in a sexy way.”
Margot blink-blinks. Her lips part slightly—because she knows she should say something. She just can't say, I can't.
Strategize, chess prodigy, strategize!
"What did he say? What's he like?" Margot, dutifully non-intrusive, does not look at Eleanor's phone screen unless it is shoved directly into her face. "But I'm sure you've got a better rapport with him than anything I could come up with."
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everyone talks about wag aus but no one talks about wagatha christie aus :/
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
thank you for this! this was a good exercise to do while i am struggling to finish something for the first time this year. in no order:
kisses in the fallout shelter (secret six, scandal/jeannette, E, written 2011) - this remains one of my favourite fics because i think it is one of my most effective marriages of sex and violence and character and emotion. it's for a tiny fandom - it has one comment! - but this is definitely a case of me writing something for myself first. also still love the title.
Wagatha Christie (ted lasso, keeley & rebecca, T, written 2021) - my first fic in a fandom is often not my favourite, but this one is because I had such a clear immediate idea for it, i think i pulled it off effectively, and i had a great time getting character voices down.
dust under your mouth (scott & bailey, gill/julie, E, written 2014) - i remain very pleased with the subtleties i pulled off in this. i think it's a really solid example of everything i love about friends-to-lovers.
how time advances (wheel of time, moiraine/siuan, E, written 2021) - another first fic and i think still my best in the fandom. it distills everything i love about their relationship down to its angstiest core.
you will continue to need (grace & frankie, grace/frankie, E, written 2017) - i re-read this recently and i think it might genuinely be my very best fic. it helped that i was freelancing and underemployed when i wrote it because i think it basically became my full-time job for yuletide 2017, ha. it also helped that i was assigned someone who had commented on all my other fic in the fandom so i knew they would like what i wrote, which made me very free. this does everything i like in a canon-divergence au.
man, having re-read a bunch of stuff in short order, i do feel a bit exposed now. ahaha. it's fine. :P
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A Sports AU... any sport.
Louis is NOT an athelte. He is a WAG who put his own career on hold (think Giselle) to support his husband, Lestat, who is a really famous soccer player kind of like David Beckham at his prime.
Lestat is a serial cheater of course and Louis goes back and forth btwn dumping him and taking him back.
Armand is Lestat's biggest rival and they regularly meet in tournaments and get into fights on the pitch.
Lestat has won the world cup for France so he's basically untouchable to the media and they cover up for his many scandals.
There's a Wagatha Christie/Shakira moment where Louis sets a trap to discover that Antoinette has been sleeping with his husband cause she ate his strawberry jam in the fridge.
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the potential of a hockey wagatha christie au...
kappy as a scrappy, up and coming young player fresh from a patchy past in toronto. he’s a little vulnerable, a little wild, a little attention-seeking. he wants some control over his media image, he wants some positive press, he likes having some power, so he starts selling stories to the press... kris as the established vet who likes his privacy, who is furious to discover that his personal life is being leaked to the press, competent enough on social media to work out who it is, and catty enough to do a dramatic public call-out.
cue a huge court battle featuring kappy explaining to the straight-faced judge why he comments ‘meow’ on all kris’ social media posts
#i am going to use this trial as inspo for something#its only a matter of what#it also has great potential for angsty r63 in which deeply private wag sid struggles with press leaks by people she considered friends#ficspo#rpf
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Streit zweier Spielerfrauen Das absurde Verfahren mit "Wagatha Christie" 10.05.2022, 14:06 Uhr Ihre Ehemänner machten sich mit Fußball und einigen Eskapaden einen Namen, nun erobern Rebekah Vardy und Coleen Rooney die Schlagzeilen. Sie streiten sich vor Gericht - und amüsieren damit die Menschen im Mutterland des Fußballs. Ein Spitzname aus dem Prozess wird bleiben. Üble Vorwürfe zwischen Prominenten, Verrat und Fußball: Der Streit zwischen Rebekah Vardy und Coleen Rooney bietet so gut wie alles, was in Großbritannien für Aufsehen sorgt. Was als Ärger zwischen Spielerfrauen im Internet begann, hat ernste Folgen. Nun stehen sich die einstigen Freundinnen vor Gericht gegenüber. Kurz gesagt geht der Fall so: Die Ehefrau des englischen Ex-Nationalstürmers Wayne Rooney beschuldigte die Gattin des englischen Ex-Nationalstürmers Jamie Vardy öffentlich, sie habe private Informationen an die Boulevardzeitung "The Sun" durchgestochen. Deshalb verklagt Vardy nun Rooney wegen Verleumdung. Für Aufsehen sorgen nicht nur die Beteiligten, sondern vor allem die Umstände. Mit geradezu kriminalistischem Spürsinn hat Rooney den Fall - aus ihrer Sicht - geklärt. Ihr Vorgehen brachte der 36-Jährigen einen neuen Spitznamen ein: Medien ernannten die wohl berühmteste Vertreterin der "Wags" - wie Spielerfrauen in England nach der Abkürzung "wives and girlfriends" genannt werden - zu "Wagatha Christie", nach der berühmten Krimi-Autorin Agatha Christie. Maulwurf vermeintlich überführt Die Bombe platzte am 9. Oktober 2019. In einem Social-Media-Beitrag beschrieb Rooney, wie sie schon lange das Gefühl gehabt habe, jemand aus ihrem Freundeskreis gebe private Geschichten an die "Sun" weiter. Dazu ist wichtig zu wissen, dass die viermalige Mutter - wie es viele mehr oder minder prominente Menschen tun - auch einen privaten Account hat in sozialen Netzwerken wie Instagram, bei dem sie selbst entscheidet, wer ihre Beiträge sehen kann. Aus diesem Kreis, so Rooneys Verdacht, stammt auch der Maulwurf. Zur Überprüfung habe sie alle ihre privaten Abonnenten blockiert, bis auf einen. Sodann habe sie erfundene Geschichten in ihren Instagram-Stories mitgeteilt - alle seien von der "Sun" aufgegriffen worden. Daher wisse sie mit Sicherheit, wer dahinter stecke, schrieb Rooney, um dann mit dramatischen Satzzeichen die Pointe zu setzen: "Es war .......... Rebekah Vardys Account." Die Beschuldigte, damals schwanger, konterte - natürlich - ebenfalls über Social Media. Sie sei schwer enttäuscht von Rooney. "Ich habe Dich echt gemocht, Coleen, und ich bin sehr traurig, dass Du Dich entschieden hast, dies zu tun, vor allem wenn ich hochschwanger bin", schrieb die heute 40-jährige Vardy prompt. "Ich bin angewidert, dass ich das überhaupt abstreiten muss." Instagram-gerecht beendete sie ihren Post mit einem zerbrochenen Herz-Emoji - und reichte Klage ein. Der Ball liegt nun auf der Seite von Coleen Rooney. Denn das englische Verleumdungsgesetz sieht vor, dass die Beklagte ihre Vorwürfe beweisen muss. Auch die Ehemänner sind für Skandale gut Die prominenten Ehemänner halten sich bisher weitgehend aus dem Spiel. Dabei waren eigentlich die Starstürmer bisher eine stete Quelle für Skandale aller Art. So spielte Jamie Vardy, der innerhalb weniger Jahre einen kometenhaften Aufstieg aus den unteren Ligen bis zur Sensationsmeisterschaft mit Leicester City und ins Nationalteam erlebte, als Amateurkicker einst mit elektronischer Fußfessel - wegen Körperverletzung. Mehr zum Thema Wayne Rooney gilt sogar als das "Enfant terrible" des englischen Fußballs der jüngeren Geschichte. Immer wieder fiel der Rekordtorschütze der Nationalmannschaft mit Alkoholexzessen und außerehelichen Affären auf. Auch als Trainer des mittlerweile abgestiegenen Zweitligisten Derby County tauchte er regelmäßig in der "Yellow Press" auf. Coleen Rooney, mit der er seit der Schule liiert ist, spielte stets eine Nebenrolle als betrogene Ehefrau, die letztlich ihrem berühmten Gatten die Treue hielt. Diesmal aber scheint das Flutlicht der Öffentlichkeit auf sie selbst.
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